Child protection policy
Policy statement
The SDSD has a duty of care to safeguard all children involved in dance from any harm. All children have a right of protection, and the needs of all must be taken into account. SDSD will ensure the safety and protection of all children involved in dance through adherence to the child protection guidelines adopted by the school. A child is anyone under 18 years of age.
Policy aims
The aim of this Dance School is to promote good practice:
• Provide children and young people with appropriate safety and protection while in the care of the school.
• Allow all staff to make informed and confident responses to specific child protection issues.
Good practice guidelines
Always working in an open free environment.
Treat all individuals equally and with respect.
Always put the child’s welfare first, before winning or achieving goals for the school.
Building balanced relationships based on trust which will ensure child’s confidence and ability to share in decision making processes.
Making dance fun and enjoyable, and always fair to each.
Ensuring if any manual/physical support or aid is necessary, it should be provided openly and always with the consent of both child and parent.
Ensure Teachers up to date with technical skills, qualifications and insurance in dance.
Involving parents/ carers wherever possible, e.g. changing rooms, collecting children from class, etc.
Keeping a log of any injury that may occur, and details of any treatment given
Practices avoided
Not leaving a child alone outside if parents do not turn up for them, to telephone Parent / guardian and keep child safe until collected.​
To cancel classes in the event of adverse weather conditions if safety is a concern (Please note no refunds)
Aggressive or suggestive language or behaviour should never be used, and if used by another pupil, will never be left unchallenged.
Never allow any allegations made by a child go unchallenged, unrecorded, or not acted upon.
Safety and protection of all the children is paramount to the teaching team at SDSD